Hoi An Express (HAE), the proprietor of this Paper Bag Tours (PBT) brand, was founded in 2002 and offers hundreds of tours around Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand. Beginning in 2014, the company began thinking about doing something to protect the environment with The Timeless Hoi An project – primarily with paper bag making, organizing every two weeks to not only try to replace plastic bags but also to educate local traders, youngsters, and hospitality people in Hoi An to join hands for environmental protection.

In 2018, with the support of the Swiss Sustainable Tourism Programme (SSTP), HAE starting to change their operations and products, with a renewed focus on sustainability. This revision of products and focus earned HAE a coveted certification from Quang Nam and SSTP. From 2021, HAE commenced their Green Tours program. 

Paper Bag Tours started their green products in Ho An by either transforming original products (with a renewed sustainability focus) or creating new products according to the following standards: 

Non-engine, non-plastic, use local, environment education

Walk, bike, electric scooter/buggie and public transportation

Community, nature

Environmentally-friendly hotel/ homestay

We look forward to being with our guests and partners to best enjoy our life together but still protect our environment by trying to put less of our footprint on wherever we travel to.

In our tours, we won’t provide one time bottle water. Please make sure to bring your refillable water bottle or we will lent you one to use during the trip with us

With best regards from BPT Team!